Diviya Sinha was featured on MIT News for winning the Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship
MIT News has featured Diviya Sinha for having been awarded the very competitive Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship: http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/diviya-sinha-earns-schlumberger-foundation-fellowship-0522. Congratulations Diviya!
Carl Schoellhammer wins the Lemelson-MIT “Cure it!” Student Prize
Carl Schoellhammer was awarded the 2015 Lemelson-MIT “Cure It!” Graduate Student Prize for developing novel devices and treatment modalities to enable the transdermal and oral delivery of biologics. He explains his inventions that aim to ease discomfort for millions of patients at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1HKewT4bq8. Congratulations Carl!
Chih-Jen Shih offered Faculty position at ETH Zürich
Chih-Jen Shih will shortly join the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zürich) as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
Professor Daniel Blankschtein was awarded the 2015 Outstanding Faculty Award in Recognition of Outstanding Performance in Graduate Teaching
Congratulations to Professor Daniel Blankschtein for being awarded the Outstanding Faculty Award in Recognition of Outstanding Performance in Graduate Teaching from the students of the Chemical Engineering department! This is Professor Blankschtein’s 9th such award since he began teaching his graduate-level chemical engineering thermodynamics course…
Carl Schoellhammer successfully defended his thesis
Carl Schoellhammer successfully defended his thesis titled “Use of Physical Enhancers for Gastrointestinal and Transdermal Drug Delivery” on April 10th, 2015. Congratulations!
Carl Schoellhammer’s article was one of the ten most downloaded papers in J. Pharm. Sci. in the last 3 months!
Carl Schoellhammer’s article “Microneedles for Drug Delivery via the Gastrointestinal Tract” was one of the ten most downloaded papers (2,081 times) published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the past three months and is thus being featured on the journal’s website (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291520-6017) for the…
Diviya Sinha has been awarded the Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship
Congratulations to Diviya Sinha for being awarded the very competitive Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship! This fellowship recognizes talented young scientists who have the potential to become influential role models for other women in the realms of science and technology both in their home…
Vishnu Sresht’s work on reconfigurable complex emulsions featured on the MIT homepage
Congratulations to Vishnu Sresht, Dr. Lauren Zarzar, and collaborators whose method for creating complex emulsion droplets that can change their configuration in response to stimuli, such as light, or the addition of a chemical surfactant, has been highlighted on the MIT homepage http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/simple-method-for-complex-emulsions-0225
Andreas Reichmuth joins our group as Visiting Student
Andreas Reichmuth joins our group as a Visiting Student. Welcome! http://dbgroup.mit.edu/andreas-reichmuth
Dr. Hari Katepalli joins our group as Post Doctoral Associate
Dr. Hari Katepalli joins our group as a Post Doctoral Associate. Welcome! http://dbgroup.mit.edu/hari-katepalli