Congratulations to Rahul Prasanna Misra and Professor Blankschtein for their research on molecular transport enhancement in pure metallic carbon nanotube porins, which has been featured on the cover of Nature Materials!

Fri, 08/02/2024

Congratulations to Rahul Prasanna Misra and Professor Blankschtein for their modeling research on water and ion transport through metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes of 0.8 nm diameter. This research has been carried out in collaboration with researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the University of Texas at Austin as part of the Department of Energy-funded multi-PI collaboration, called the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport (CENT). This new paper explains how water transport is enhanced in metallic compared to semiconducting carbon nanotubes of identical diameters, while ion transport is relatively unaffected by the nanotube band gap value. Notably, this is our second collaborative paper with the LLNL group, headed by Professor Aleksandr Noy. Our first collaboration, published in Nature Nanotechnology last year, focused on modeling ion transport and revealed a 3 order-of-magnitude breakdown of the Nernst-Einstein relation due to different diffusion and electromigration mechanisms under confinement.

Link to our recent Nature Materials paper:

Link to our Nature Nanotechnology paper: